Arecibo Observatory’s Planetary Science


Since its inauguration in 1963, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico has played an invaluable role in planetary science and the exploration of our Solar System. In the past few decades, Arecibo’s detection and characterization of over 800 near-Earth asteroids has provided tremendous value for planetary defense. In this Focus Issue of the AAS’ Planetary Science Journal, we invite papers presenting recent planetary science results that make use of data from the Arecibo Observatory, including characterization of planetary surfaces and small solar system bodies, as well as exoplanetary science enabled by the Arecibo Observatory. Review papers and historical papers for this Focus Issue will be accepted by invitation only.

Focus Issue Editor: Edgard G. Rivera-Valentín
Email for more information.

Instructions: In light of the continuing global situation, the Focus Issue will continue to accept submissions. To help the editorial team plan for the issue, we ask that you please complete this quick FORM .

Accepted manuscripts will be made available on the PSJ Focus Issue website as soon as they are published. To submit a paper for this issue, please include a note in the AAS manuscript submission system and/or on the cover page of the manuscript (this can be removed upon acceptance and before publication).

The Focus Issues thus far: Click Here